Billing > Write off invoices fully or partially

Write off invoices fully or partially

This "pays" all or part of the currently unpaid invoices for a file or client.

1.    From the Amicus taskbar in any view, click New.


2.    Enter details

        File or primary client: The unpaid invoices for that file or client are listed below in the Distribution section.

        Payment method: Select "Write-off".

        Amount: Reduce the total outstanding by this amount.

        Distribute: Click to distribute the write-off amount among the listed invoices, oldest first. If the amount isn't sufficient to write-off all invoices, remaining unpaid balances are shown.

To adjust the distribution between invoices, clear or select their checkboxes in the list.

        Remainder: When doing a write-off, you would typically not enter an amount greater than that needed to cover all selected invoices, and so the leftover amount would be zero.

        Enter a payment on invoices

        Add general retainer funds

        View your bills and payments (includes WIP files/clients list)

        Set opening balances

Amicus Cloud (January 2023)
