Client Portal > View a list of items shared with clients on a file

View a list of items shared with clients on a file

In the Portal view of a file


        All documents, notes, appointments, tasks, and custom fields currently marked for sharing are listed. (If file security is enabled for the firm, note that private appointments that you aren't associated with are not listed.) Documents and notes added by clients will be listed because they're automatically shared.

        Items are listed regardless of whether the file itself is currently shared to its client(s). They will see these items only when the file is set to be shared.

        To hide an item from the Portal, select it and click Remove from Portal.

        For each item, the list shows the item's creation date and owner.

        If you add a new item from this view, it is automatically shared.

        Apprised of changes made by clients or firm members

        Clients using the Client Portal

        View Invoices & Payments in the Client Portal

        Making Payments

Amicus Cloud (January 2023)
