Administration > Administer user groups

Administer user groups


Defined user groups enable firm members to quickly assign an appointment, or filter the Tasks main view, to the set of users who are collaborating in a particular area of work. And if file security is enabled for the firm, a firm member can restrict files to the members of a group. For example, the firm might have groups for Real Estate, Litigation, Managing Partners, and Technology Committee.

While each firm member can add and maintain groups from their user profile (see How to manage your user groups), the firm's Amicus administrator has additional control from User Management, as described below.

This topic covers:

        Create a new group

        Edit a group

        Delete a group

Create a new group

1.     Choose Options > User Management, and click New Group under the Groups tab.

        Set password restriction: To restrict membership of the group, select the Restrict option and enter a password. Only users who know this password will be able to add themselves to the group and see the membership list.

2.     Select members –  Select the checkbox next to the name of each user you want in the group.

Edit a group

        Choose Options > User Management, and in the Groups list, click the name of the group you want to work on. You don't need to enter the password of a restricted group in order to open it for editing.

o        Edit –  Add or remove users, change the group name, restrict or unrestrict the group, or change the password for a restricted group.

o        Delete –  To delete the group, click Delete. If the group has files assigned, you are prompted to reassign those files to another group you select.

Delete a group

1.     Choose Options > User Management and, in the Groups list, click the name of the group you want to delete. You don't need to enter the password of a restricted group in order to open it for deleting.

o        Perform this task when no files are in use by any firm members.

o        In the group window, click Delete.

o        If any files were restricted to this group: A message appears so you can choose how to handle them.

2.     To see a list of affected files, click Show Files. Ensure that none of these files are being edited by users at this time.

o        Choose the group to which you want these files restricted.

o        Choose the firm member you want assigned to a file as the responsible lawyer if the file's current responsible lawyer is not in the new group.

3.     Click Reassign Now.

        Add a user

        Set a user's access and file deletion rights

        Change a user's Amicus login password

        Change a user's Exchange credentials settings

Amicus Cloud (January 2023)
