Files > Manage file security

Manage file security

If file security is not enabled for the firm, all files are accessible to all firm members. Your Amicus administrator can enable this feature.

        If file security is enabled for the firm by the Amicus administrator, read the details provided in this topic.

        If you have access to a file, you can control the extent to which it and the items associated with it are shared with other firm members.
Items that you do not associate with any files remain unshared.

This topic covers:

        Set the security level for a file from the Detail > Access view

        No longer collaborating on a file

        User access level

        Set a default file type and security for your new files

Set the security level for a file from the Details > Access view

        Private: Don't share the file with any other users. Once a file is set to private, any items added to the file afterward will be hidden from other users (unless the items were created by those users).

        Restrict: Share the file with only the members of a particular user group by selecting it in the drop-down list. The current members of the group are shown in the "Accessible To" list.

Once a file is set to Restrict, any items added to the file afterward will be hidden from general users who are not in the selected group (unless the items were created by those users).

        Share: Share the file with all users. The current Amicus users are shown in the "Accessible To" list.

No longer collaborating on a file

        You lose your access to a file if another user marks it private or restricts it to a group to which you don't belong, or you leave the group to which the file is restricted.

        Your own phone calls, time entries, and expenses will vanish from the file lists but will remain accessible by you (e.g. from the Phone Calls main list). You will no longer be able to open the file from the item details windows.

        Your own copies of contacts, appointments, email, and tasks will remain accessible by you, but other firm members' copies (if any) retain their file association.

        You will no longer have access to the documents on the file.

User access level

        Amicus administrator: Can access all views of all non-private files (and all items on those files).

Related topics

        Create a file

        File Status

Amicus Cloud (January 2023)
