Files > What is a File?

What is a File?

Learn by video - Files Module

Organize your work under files. A file can be any group of activities you wish to keep track of together in Amicus, typically a client matter but also any sort of project (such as moving to new premises).

        On each file you can associate one or more contacts (and assign their role on the file) and, on an ongoing basis, all your related appointments, tasks, email, phone calls, time entries, expenses, notes, and documents. A file may even include custom fields of your design.

        If you are the Amicus Administrator, or a Billing User or Supervisor, you can also associate bills (and invoices), payments, and trust.

        If file security is not enabled for the firm, all files (and items associated with them) are shared to all users.

        If file security is enabled for the firm, assign a file to yourself only (private), to a user group, or to all users. This controls who can access the file (together with its associated items).

Related topics

        Create a file

Amicus Cloud (January 2023)
