Files > Manage tasks on a file

Manage tasks on a file

In the Tasks view of a file

1.     Choose whether to include completed (done) tasks in the list. The Firm Member column shows who is assigned.

2.     Select a task in the list and click the appropriate button from the Amicus taskbar.

        Click New from the taskbar to create a new task on the file.

        Click Open to open a task, click Delete to delete it, or click Time Entry to do a time entry on it (or view the one already created).

        Click Show in Portal to make the task visible to clients with portal access as soon as the file is shared to them.

        Click Print from the taskbar or footer to print a current Task List.

        Click the Reading Pane button to turn this feature off or on. The contents of a selected task can be shown in a pane to the right or bottom of the screen. The right pane is ideal only when you are using a full screen.

3.     Mark a task done (complete): Selecting its checkbox at the left.

4.     Click Refresh below the list to update the list now. The list is also refreshed whenever you sort it.


Amicus Cloud (January 2023)
